Amidst early autumn's charm, Grace and Johan, a couple whose journey spanned the United States, chose Jackson Hole, Wyoming as their wedding backdrop. The intimate gathering took place at the picturesque Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club.
Grace readied herself at Amangani, while Johan prepared at The Rustic Inn, creating a day marked by intentional interactions with their closest friends and family. The decor featured autumnal florals and fruits, adding a seasonal touch to the celebration. Grace and Johan's wedding celebrated the power of love and connection amidst the beauty of Jackson Hole.
Amidst early autumn's charm, Grace and Johan, a couple whose journey spanned the United States, chose Jackson Hole, Wyoming as their wedding backdrop. The intimate gathering took place at the picturesque Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club.
Grace readied herself at Amangani, while Johan prepared at The Rustic Inn, creating a day marked by intentional interactions with their closest friends and family. The decor featured autumnal florals and fruits, adding a seasonal touch to the celebration. Grace and Johan's wedding celebrated the power of love and connection amidst the beauty of Jackson Hole.